Hotel FAQ
Travel FAQ
Registration FAQ
Within this FAQ section, you will be able to find answers to your most pertinent questions about the forum, hotel booking, registration and/or travel to Johannesburg and the Sandton Convention Centre.
We have tried to include as much information as possible, but should you not find the answers you are looking for, please call the Registration Team on
+27 11 807 0948 or email [email protected] or [email protected].
For any registration related questions, please see the 'Registration information' FAQs.
Who may attend Eskom African Business Leaders Forum?
Chief Executives, Managing Directors, Chairmen, Director Generals, Government Advisers, Legislators, Political and Civil Society Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Legal Advisors, Senior and Middle - Level Decision Makers in Public/Private Sector Organisations in Africa, Senior executives in the public private and civil sectors in Africa
What is the date and location of Eskom African Business Leaders Forum?
The Eskom African Business Leaders Forum 2006 takes place on Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th October, at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg (Gauteng), South
Can you tell me a bit more about the Sandton Convention Centre's location?
Sandton forms a separate, self-sufficient metropolitan node in this region. It has its own sophisticated atmosphere and appeal, characterised by a thriving hotel, business and entertainment district.
The Sandton Convention Centre is linked by skywalk to Sandton City and adjacent to Nelson Mandela Square, two of the most prestigious and sophisticated shopping complexes in Africa. The Sandton Convention Centre is easily accessible from the area's main roads and highways.
What language is spoken at the conference?
The official language of the conference is English and all programmes will be presented in English. Interpretation facilities can be arranged for foreign delegates.
May I bring a guest?
Delegates are not permitted to register a
Are children permitted to attend Eskom African Business Leaders Forum?
Children are not permitted to attend the event.
What is the dress code for the event?
Business attire is appropriate for the entire duration of the event.
What does the conference fee include?
- 2-day conference programme
- Lunch on both days
- Banquet event on second day
- Access to all presentations
- Coffee, tea and soft drinks
- Conference pack