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2004 Press Coverage

Press Release: African leaders distinct in some respects
Organic entrepreneurs for Africa�s economic sustainability
Press Release: Africa is ready to address marginalisation
Press Release: Africa�s triple leadership challenge
Press release: How to govern well without losing your identity?
Press Release: Nepad an elitist principle for now
Press release: Good leaders are born � and then made
Press Release: Top African leaders to discuss Africa�s business opportunities
Press Release: Poverty is one of Africa�s harshest realities
Press Release: �No go-it-alone states for Africa�
Press Release: 320 Business Leaders to Address Poverty Challenges
Press Release: De Klerk to speak at African leadership conference
Press Release: African Leadership in the Spotlight
Press Release: �Leaders should go back to their roots�
Press Release: African Leadership in the Spotlight
Press Release: African Leadership in the Spotlight
Press Release: Botswana�s former president to speak at Eskom Business Forum
Getting power to the people of Africa
EABLF delegates challenge governments to action
Press Release: Botswana�s former president to speak at Eskom Business Forum
Rwandan apologizes for shame brought to Africa
Time for Africa to change the way it does business with the world
Strong leadership critical in Africa, says Masire
Press Release: African Leadership Academy for 2006
Introducing the National Ports Authority of South Africa
Former SA president calls on leaders to use window of opportunity
Press Release: African Leadership in the Spotlight
MTN Group boilerplate
Revised Boiler Plate
Press Release: African Leadership Academy for 2006
Press Release: Eskom and NEPAD bringing power to Africa
Press Release: Women leaders essential for growth in Africa
Press Release: Africa ripe for positive reform
Press Release: Africa needs a new breed of leadership
Press Release: Nepad is an elitist principle, for now

The following Press Releases are available for download: