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Social Programme 2005

Tuesday 1st November 2005

Jazz Evening � An Eskom Event

Venue: Sandton Sun & Towers, Maroela Room North

All delegates are welcome to join Eskom for a Jazz evening extraordinaire

Wednesday 2nd November

Eskom African Business Leaders� Forum Gala Banquet

The Eskom African Business Leaders� Forum is proud to bring our guests some of South Africa�s finest music talent at the Gala Banquet which brings the two day forum to an end. The evening�s entertainment has a young, contemporary edge, highlighting the vitality and energy or African culture and its synergy with African Leadership.

Performances will be given by the highly acclaimed Jeff Maluleke and Fusion Africa

Venue: Santon Convention Centre, Ballroom 170
Programme ( click to download programme )

Thursday 3rd November

� Leisure Programme ( click to download programme )

� Return to Roots Jazz Festival An Eskom Event by invitation only Venue: Baseline, Johannesburg